Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MRI is essential for
evaluating cerebral gliomas both prior to and following their
treatment. The detailed definition of normal anatomy and the
sensitivity for determining tumor extension provided by MRI are
essential for planning surgical resection and subsequent
postoperative radiotherapy. Preoperative MRI is excluded only in
patients in whom MRI is contraindicated for safety reasons. All
other patients are studied with MRI. Those with severe
claustrophobia or who are otherwise unable to hold absolutely
still for their examination are given appropriate sedation or,
rarely, even general anaesthesia to obtain the necessary MRI
Tumor evaluation with MRI
requires the intravenous administration of a contrast agent.
These are gadolinium (Gd) chelates such as gadolinium
diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (GdDTPA).
Gadolinium agents for MRI are between 50 and 100 times more
sensitive to blood-brain barrier breakdown than iodinated
contrast agents used with CT. The usual dose of 0.1 mmol Gd/kg
is approximately one-tenth that of an iodinated contrast agent.
This lower dose decreases the risk of adverse reaction while at
the same time providing a level of enhancement several-fold
higher than seen with contrast-enhanced CT.
When combined with Gd-based
intravenous contrast, MRI is superior to CT for differentiating
between tumor and perifocal edema, for defining gross extent of
tumor, and for showing the relationship of the tumor to
critical adjacent structures. This information is
essential for planning stereotactic biopsy or tumor resection
and for planning radiotherapy. Often, total resection is
precluded by tumor extension into critical structures. Surgery
is then planned with the goal of maximum subtotal resection with
minimum neurological morbidity. Precise definition of normal and
abnormal cerebral anatomy is necessary to achieve this.
The physiologic mechanism of
enhancement with Gd, namely disruption of the blood-brain
barrier. is the same as the mechanism of enhancement for CT
contrast agents. However, there are important fundamental
differences in imaging characteristics between iodinated
contrast for CT and Gd-based contrast for MRI. Iodinated agents
are directly visualized on CT as bright areas due to their
increased x-ray absorption. Gadolinium contrast agents are not
directly visualized on MR but are indirectly imaged because of
their effect on the two modes of MR signal decay, T1 and T2.
When Gd atoms are in extremely close proximity (a few nanometres) to water protons excited by an MR pulse. they cause
marked shortening of T1 relaxation time and a lesser degree of
shortening of T2 relaxation time of these protons. T1 shortening
increases signal on T1-weighted images and, hence. we visualize
an enhanced area of signal that appears bright. T2 shortening
can cause loss of signal on T2-weighted images, but this effect
is minimal at clinically used dosages and is of no clinical
significance. The major point is that there is little or no
effect of Gd contrast agents on T2-weighted images. With an
intact blood-brain barrier, Gd remains within the capillary
space; there is no enhancement because Gd cannot gain very close
access to interstitial water molecules. Also different from
contrast-enhanced CT. vessels that contain rapidly flowing blood
are not enhanced with gadolinium-enhanced MRI because the
flowing protons do not remain in the MR slice volume long enough
to be imaged. However, slowly flowing blood, as occurs in veins
and venous sinuses, may enhance. With MRA there are
circumstances in which Gd can improve the detectability of
slowly flowing blood and improve visualization of small vessels.
In MRI and CT of adult gliomas
the degree and pattern of tumor enhancement roughly correlates
with tumor grade. This is a rough correlation and not an
absolute determinant. Furthermore, this correlation only
applies to adult gliomas and is not predictive for other primary
intracerebral tumors. for paediatric cerebral tumors, or with
extra-axial cerebral masses such as meningiomas.
Heavily T2-weighted sequences
are the most sensitive for the detection of tumor and edema
extent, but the tumor focus is not well separated from
surrounding edema. T1-weighted images following contrast
enhancement generally provide better localization of the tumor nidus and improved diagnostic information relating to tumor
grade, blood-brain barrier breakdown, hemorrhage, edema, and
necrosis. Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images
also better show small focal lesions such as metastases, small
areas of tumor recurrence, and ependymal or leptomeningeal tumor
spread because of improved signal contrast. T1-weighted images
without contrast are less sensitive to tumor and edema but are
necessary for comparison with postcontrast images and for
characterization of enhancement pattern, hemorrhage, cysts, and
necrosis. Proton density images are useful for distinguishing
tumor and edema from adjacent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which
may have a similar appearance as high-signal areas on heavily
T2weighted images.
We obtain both T1- and spin
echo proton density and T2weighted images without contrast
followed by postcontrast T1weighted images after the
intravenous injection of gadolinium. Imaging is done in
sagittal, axial, and coronal planes, which provides optimal
detail for initial treatment planning. Following treatment,
these sequences provide the most sensitive and accurate method
for determining tumor response to therapy or for detecting early
tumor recurrence.
In selected cases. additional
MR sequences are used to clarify specific diagnostic questions
or to provide additional information. For example, gradient echo
imaging can be used to detect occult hemosiderin from prior
subclinical bleeding. In a case where surgical access to the
tumor may be problematic, three-dimensional gradient echo
imaging permits very thin sections that can be reformatted at
any desired plane of obliquity. Combined with the appropriate
software, this information can be used to construct surface maps
of the brain overlying a tumor that will provide sulcal and
gyral anatomy preoperatively, or to display "cutaway views" that
can provide views of different operative approaches for surgical
There are also important
limitations to MRI that one must be aware of. Neither CT nor MRI
can distinguish peritumoral edema from nonenhancing infiltrating
tumor. Furthermore, even when there is a well-defined
enhancing tumor nidus, infiltrating tumor and isolated tumor
cells can extend several centimetres beyond the enhancing region
into the surrounding "edematous" zone and, in some cases, beyond
any abnormality seen on CT or MRI. Finally, for all
practical purposes, bulk calcium emits no MR signal, making
tumor calcification difficult or impossible to detect unless
present in large amounts.