
Relatively few data exist
concerning the efficacy of reoperation in the treatment of
recurrent gliomas; for this reason, if for no other,
considerable controversy surrounds the proper role of surgery in
the context of primary treatment failure. Historically speaking,
published reoperation rates have been low, generally in the
range of 0 to 10 percent, and the surgical mortality for such
procedures has been high, in the range of 10 to 20 percent.
Additionally, most surgeons have been highly selective in their
choice of patients for reoperation, so the available data are
biased by an inordinate number of cases of low-grade
astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma. Reoperations are usually
carried out in patients who are relatively young and in good
neurological condition, in those who have tumors that are
favourably situated, and in those in whom recurrence has occurred
long after operation. In the case of low-grade tumors, this
inconsistent policy has hampered the histologic study of
recurrent tumors and delayed the understanding of their
biological evolution. Even fewer patients with
glioblastoma have been submitted to reoperation, on the
possibly erroneous assumption that surgery has nothing to offer
the patient with a malignant glioma. There are several good reasons for questioning this
assumption: (1) the rough correlation between the length of
postoperative survival and the extent of surgical resection in
patients with malignant astrocytoma and medulloblastoma; (2) the
importance of early and radical surgery in the treatment of
solid cancers elsewhere in the body; (3) the existence of cell
compartments within malignant gliomas that are inherently
resistant to all other treatment modalities; and (4) the
possible potentiation of other treatments by mechanical
cytoreduction. Therefore the rationale for primary surgery may
apply equally well to reoperation, especially if sampling of the
tissue is adequate and a fresh evaluation of both the tumor
and the effects of previous therapy can be made.
Roth and Elvidge reoperated on only 13 (3
percent) of their 399 patients with glioblastoma and achieved an
average additional survival of 4.5 months; it should be
noted, however, that the survival of one of these patients
after reoperation (17 months) was greater than the interoperative interval of 14 months. Frankel and German
reoperated on 28 of their 183 patients (15.3 percent) but did
not comment on the effect of these procedures, despite the fact
that one patient was subjected to 5 operations. In another
series, approximately 10 percent of all patients with intracerebral gliomas were reoperated on, but only 4.4 percent
of the patients with glioblastoma; once again, the
effectiveness of this policy was not commented on. Young and
associates carefully analyzed a series of 24 reoperated cases of
glioblastoma accumulated over a l2-year period and found that
the length of survival after the second operation correlated
significantly with the preoperative neurologic status and weakly
with the length of the interoperative interval. The patients
in this retrospective study were operated on at two separate
institutions by a large number of neurosurgeons and represented
less than 5 percent of their treated cases. Salcman M. reported a
consecutive series of 74 patients admitted to an aggressive
multimodality treatment program, in which reoperation was
prospectively offered to all malignant astrocytoma patients
prior to the institution of any new therapy, irrespective of the
age of the patient, the histologic grade of the tumor, the
location of the tumor, or its previous response to treatment.
Reoperation was withheld when the performance status or
neurological function was so poor that no further therapy of any
kind was actively considered. In 36 months, 40 patients had
second operations and achieved a median survival of 37 weeks
from the time of reoperation. Virtually all the
procedures were carried out with the aid of the operating
microscope and the carbon dioxide laser in the context of
aggressive multi modality treatment. There were no operative
deaths in 60 reoperations. There were four serious infections;
the total morbidity rate for reoperation was 8.3 percent. In
series, the length of survival after the second operation was
riot correlated with patient age, performance status, tumor
grade, or the interoperative interval, and it was concluded
that reoperation for malignant astrocytoma is safe, feasible,
and of potential benefit in combination with other therapies.
Several more studies have confirmed a median additional
survival time of 36 to 37 weeks in reoperated patients. The
routine use of reoperation to "set up" other treatment
modalities deserves further study.
It must be emphasized that reoperation requires
exquisite attention to the details of surgical technique,
because the incidence of postoperative infection is high and the
condition of the tissues is often poor. The majority of
patients presenting for reoperation have already failed some
combination of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy; the scalp
is usually devitalized and the dura in poor repair. Parenthetically, it should be mentioned that
previously irradiated gliomas are often easier to remove by
virtue of their impaired blood supply. Nevertheless, firm areas
of radionecrosis and calcification still pose intraoperative
risks to the patient if undue manipulation results in the brain
being "rocked" around; hence the great advantage of resection
techniques such as the laser that do not cause visible movement
of the brain.

This site is non-profit directed
to medical and neurosurgical audience to share
problems and solutions for brain tumors
diagnosis and treatment modalities.

Author of the

Prof. Munir A. Elias MD., PhD.
Facts of life

When entering the soul of the human, there is a
great discrepancy about the value of timing of
the life. Some are careless even about the
entire of their existence and others are
struggling for their seconds of life.
Quality of life

It plays a major impact in decision making from
the patient. Here come the moral, ethics,
religious believes and the internal motives of
the patient to play a major hidden role in his
own survival.