Although the preceding gliomas are often portrayed as pure
entities, many contain other cell types or hybrid cells
with partial expressions of more than one type. Thus the
oligodendroglioma can contain cells with astrocytic
characteristics, or an ependymoma or cerebellar astrocytoma
may include dozens of "fried eggs." The term mixed glioma
is applied when a second cell type is present in
quantity, but when present in limited numbers, a second
cell type can be noted but not included in the diagnosis. At
present, the significance of these mixed lesions is not
known. Presumably, the application of markers for specific
glia will continue to define the incidence and character of
mixed gliomas, and careful correlative clinical studies will
establish their prognostic significance.

This site is non-profit directed
to medical and neurosurgical audience to share
problems and solutions for brain tumors
diagnosis and treatment modalities.

Author of the

Prof. Munir A. Elias MD., PhD.
Facts of life

When entering the soul of the human, there is a
great discrepancy about the value of timing of
the life. Some are careless even about the
entire of their existence and others are
struggling for their seconds of life.
Quality of life

It plays a major impact in decision making from
the patient. Here come the moral, ethics,
religious believes and the internal motives of
the patient to play a major hidden role in his
own survival.