are unusual central nervous
system tumors of children and young adults that are composed of
both differentiated neurons and a background stroma of glial
cells. The term was originally introduced by Courville in 1930;
he thought that the tumor arose from undifferentiated cells that
became neoplastic yet eventually differentiated along both glial
and neuronal lines to achieve the mature forms of the cells.
Because differentiation was complete, he thought that the tumor
must be essentially benign. In the past, some authors have
suggested that gangliogliomas are hamartomatous with limited
growth potential. Most modern workers agree, however. that these
are true neoplasms.
Pathologically, the diagnosis
requires both astrocytic and neuronal cell populations to be
present, although in most cases the astrocytic cell line will
predominate. Some tumors will show foci of oligodendroglioma as
well. In most instances, the appearance of neurons is abnormal
for the location in which they are found, although in areas such
as the thalamus and basal ganglia it may be difficult to
ascertain whether the neurons are part of the neoplastic process
or are simply normal neurons surrounded by neoplastic
astrocytes. To be considered neoplastic, neurons must be either
clearly heterotopic (located away from gray matter) or atypical,
showing disorientation, bizarre shapes or sizes, or binucleation.
Within a ganglioglioma,
calcification is frequent, as are cystic areas. Malignant
gangliogliomas are unusual and when they occur, the malignant
features are virtually always in the glial component. It is not
known whether histologic evidence of malignancy in the astroglial component carries the usual poor outlook of the
malignant glioma.
An incidence ranging from 0.4
percent in a large series of brain tumors to 7.6 percent in a
series of paediatric brain neoplasms. The incidence seems to be
increasing, as computed tomography (CT) scanning and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) have allowed earlier diagnosis.
Clinical Presentation
The mean age at presentation
is 12 years. with a predominance between 7 and 18 years.
Adult patients are occasionally reported. A male
predominance has been noted in one series.
The presenting symptoms are
usually of long duration (average 1.5 years), although more
recent patients are being diagnosed earlier as radiologic
studies become more easily obtainable. Patients almost
invariably present with seizures when the lesion is
supratentorial. The seizures themselves are not
particularly characteristic, and the specific type depends on
the site of the lesion. Temporal lobe convulsions are frequent
as gangliogliomas frequently occur in the temporal lobe,
but grand mal, focal motor. and mixed types can occur. Seizures
tend to worsen with time, and the diagnosis of a brain tumor is
established when they become uncontrollable even with
appropriate anticonvulsant medication. Focal neurologic
deficits are unusual in hemispheric gangliogliomas, even when
the lesion is located in an eloquent area, such as the motor
cortex. Symptoms and signs of increased intracranial pressure
such as headache, papilledema. or alteration in consciousness
are rare, and usually occur in midline tumors. Patients may
have evidence of a diffuse cerebral disturbance such as poor
school performance or behavioural disturbances, but this may
reflect frequent seizures or the effects of anticonvulsant
medication. The predominance of seizures is probably a function
of the slow-growing nature of this tumor, which also explains
the lack of focal neurologic symptoms and signs of increased
intracranial pressure.
Although gangliogliomas
typically occur in the cerebral hemispheres, the tumor may
arise in other locations. Courville presented several patients
with a tumor arising from the region of the tuber cinereum who
presented with hypothalamic symptoms or hydrocephalus. Various
authors have described gangliogliomas arising in the cerebellum,
brain stem, or spinal cord.
Radiologic Investigations
The radiologic manifestations
of gangliogliomas were examined during the pre-CT era. The
major features described were calcification on plain skull
films (10 percent) and an avascular mass seen on angiography or pneumoencephalography. The appearance on CT scan is variable;
gangliogliomas may be isodense, of increased density, or
hypodense to the degree that they may be confused with
CSF-containing arachnoid cysts or porencephalies. There
are frequently areas of calcification. Many tumors
will involve the cortical surface, and these tend to indent the
inner table of the skull. Some contrast enhancement
occurs in approximately one-half of patients.
MR images have proved useful
in the diagnosis of ganglioglioma, and in some cases the
diagnosis can be predicted preoperatively. The low-density
tumors seen on CT have a decreased signal on T1-weighted images
and are readily distinguished from CSF. On
T2-weighted images, the lesions appear as discrete areas of
increased signal intensity, and the appearance of swollen gyri
can be seen on the cortical margin. With calcified
lesions, MRI may be helpful in excluding vascular
malformations. Sagittal and coronal images are helpful in
identifying the relationship of the lesion to areas of eloquent
cortex and in planning the operative exposure.
Treatment and Outcome
The mainstay of treatment is
surgical excision, and gross total removal is possible in the
majority. Despite the CT appearance of low density, the tumor is
usually solid, although cystic areas may be present.
Gangliogliomas of the temporal lobe, in particular, are more
likely to be solid. Lesions that appear on the surface have
the appearance of pale, swollen gyri that are readily separable
from the adjacent normal brain at the intervening sulci. They
tend to be avascular, and lumps of calcium may be evident. At
the depths of the lesion the plane is often obscure, and it is
advisable to be conservative in this part of the dissection, as
these lesions may not recur, even if subtotally removed.
Gangliogliomas may grow in inconvenient locations, such as the
interhemispheric fissure, motor cortex, visual areas, or speech
areas. The neoplasm itself subserves no neurological function
and can be removed safely even from these areas, although one
must expect transient neurologic deficit from retraction.
Subcortical lesions are best localized intraoperatively using
real-time ultrasound to minimize the size of the cortical
incision and to ensure an adequate removal. Gangliogliomas of
the medial temporal lobe are treated by formal temporal
lobectomy as for a seizure disorder.
Postoperative radiologic
evaluations of these patients have been a problem. The
postoperative CT scan may appear indistinguishable from the
preoperative study despite a total tumor excision, because the
tumor cavity fills with CSF. Studies performed a year or more
after tumor removal, however, will show the area of the
operation to be much smaller, as brain tissue gradually fills in
the cavity. Subsequent enlargement of this low-density area
bespeaks recurrence and should lead to consideration of reexploration, especially if seizure control is failing. MRI is
useful in evaluating the completeness of excision, in that
residual or recurrent tumor will have different signal
characteristics than CSF.
The outlook for this tumor is
excellent if radical surgical excision can be
accomplished. Patients with midline tumors are less
likely to have total excision and the rate of tumor progression
and recurrence is high. Seizure control tends to improve after
surgery, sometimes dramatically, and it is often possible to
reduce or even discontinue anticonvulsant medication. Most
modern authorities reserve radiation therapy for gangliogliomas
with frankly malignant features or those which recur and in whom
reoperation is not practical.