The most common supratentorial tumors are those of glial origin,
hence it is not surprising that the clinical study and surgical
treatment of gliomas is virtually coextensive with the
historical development of neurosurgery as a specialty. In 1884,
Bennett and Godlee performed the first successful resection of a
brain tumor that had been localized by neurological examination;
the lesion was a low-grade tumor, but the patient succumbed to
infection less than 2 weeks after the procedure. Although Sir
Victor Horsley was greatly fascinated by this case, he was soon
discouraged by his inability to save his own patients with
malignant gliomas. During the early years of neurosurgery,
periods of enthusiasm and neglect waxed and waned in regard to
the surgery of the gliomas, and this fact was reflected in the
conflicting recommendations put forward by Cushing, Dandy, and
McKenzie. Indeed, the development of Cushing's own surgical
technique often mirrored the evolution of prevailing views
concerning the relative merits of active therapy and benign
neglect. Initially, Cushing advocated external decompression,
with removal of the bone flap and creation of subgaleal and
muscular pockets into which the tumor might herniate. Toward the
end of his career, he came to accept the concept of radical
internal decompression (i.e., tumor resection) with preservation
of contiguous brain; his own technical contributions, especially
the development of silver clips and electrocautery, were largely
responsible for making such procedures possible. From 1901 to
1912, Harvey Cushing's operative mortality for glial tumors was
30.9 percent, but by the end of his career he had reduced this
to 11 percent. The technical difficulties of dealing with these
tumors remained relatively unchanged until the introduction of
corticosteroids and other perioperative aids in the 1960s.
Because glial tumors are so common in clinical practice and
because successful application of new therapeutic modalities may
well depend on the continued development of surgical technique,
the early diagnosis and operative treatment of glial tumors
remain a major challenge for every neurosurgeon.
Clinical Features
The symptoms and signs
produced by intracranial tumors fall into two general
categories, nonspecific findings secondary to elevations in the
intracranial pressure (ICP) and site-specific findings secondary
to the actual location of the neoplasm. Although the tempo with
which symptoms and signs develop may give a clue to the
underlying nature of the tumor, their specific character depends
on the location of the tumor and not on its histology. The
nonspecific symptoms and signs of elevated ICP include headache,
drowsiness, visual obscuration; nausea, vomiting, nuchal
rigidity, papilledema, and sixth nerve palsy. The headache of
brain tumor is usually nonlocalizing but may lateralize to the
side of the lesion. The headache is typically worse in the
morning and may be relieved after an episode of vomiting or the
onset of physical activity. It is thought that morning headaches
are secondary to mild CO2 retention during sleep and concomitant
cerebral vasodilatation. Eventually the headache becomes nearly
constant, but its intensity is rarely as severe as that of
migraine or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Headache is the initial
symptom in almost 40 percent of patients with glioblastoma
multiforme and in more than 35 percent of all patients with
cerebral gliomas. It is the most frequent chief complaint and
the most prevalent symptom at the time of diagnosis. Headache is
the universal complaint of patients with brain tumors and must
be carefully investigated in all likely suspects.
The drowsiness observed in
brain tumor patients is caused by mechanical and vascular
compromise of the diencephalon, and the neck stiffness is
produced by herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the
foramen magnum. Of course, papilledema or choked disc is a
direct reflection of an elevated ICP. It is important to
remember that the presence of venous pulsations is almost always
indicative of an ICP of less than 180 mmH20. Falsely localizing
signs in brain tumor suspects, such as a sixth nerve palsy, are
usually caused by compression of the involved cranial nerve
against an adjacent structure (e.g., the petrous pyramid) and
are usually reflective of brain swelling or hydrocephalus.
Nonspecific symptoms and signs secondary to elevated ICP are
more commonly observed in high-grade tumors than in relatively
more benign low-grade astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas.
Nevertheless, a quarter to a third of all glioma patients
complain of drowsiness or lethargy; at diagnosis,
more than one-half of all patients have papilledema, and almost
40 percent of the patients with glioblastoma have a depressed
level of consciousness.
The site-specific findings of
supratentorial tumors are either irritative or destructive in
nature, but their precise expression always depends on the
location of the tumor in respect to the functional organization
of the brain. Lesions within the substance of the temporal lobe
or in the vicinity of the motor cortex are far more likely to
produce seizures than are similar neoplasms of the occipital
pole. Similarly, mental apathy, memory loss, and personality
disturbance are more frequently seen with frontotemporal tumors,
and hemiparesis and sensory loss with frontoparietal lesions.
Seizures are the second most common complaint at the time of
diagnosis and are more frequently seen with oligodendrogliomas
and astrocytomas (75 and 65 percent of cases, respectively) than
with glioblastoma multiforme. More than a third of all glioma
patients suffer from seizures as the initial manifestation of
their disease, and the average duration of this symptom prior to
diagnosis is about 12 months in patients with glioblastoma and
about 3 years in patients with low-grade gliomas. Focal
neurological findings are much more common in malignant
astrocytomas than in other glial tumors, and this is especially
true for motor weakness. Nevertheless, it must be
emphasized that although more than 60 percent of patients with
glioblastoma suffer from hemiparesis at the time of diagnosis,
only 3 percent complain of weakness as the initial symptom.
At the outset of their disease, patients with gliomas have
relatively low rates of hemiparesis, dysphasia, hemianesthesia,
and hemianopsia, but by the time of diagnosis, some or all of
these findings are present in the majority of patients. Tumors
in relatively silent areas produce symptoms and signs by virtue
of edema that extends into adjacent functional zones, and the
symptoms can often be ameliorated through the administration of
corticosteroids. Complete loss of function is indicative of
direct invasion and is rarely reversed by any form of therapy.
The frequency with which different site-specific
findings are encountered in clinical practice depends heavily on the diagnostic acumen of the physicians
in charge of the patient. For example, retrospective studies of
patients with malignant astrocytoma have indicated that subtle
personality change is often missed on the initial history and
physical examination. In patients with glioblastoma, personality
change occurs an average of more than 8 months prior to
diagnosis and is the second earliest warning signal, next to
seizures. At the time of diagnosis, up to 60 percent of patients
with gliomas demonstrate some disturbance of orientation,
memory, emotion, or judgement; this seems to be especially true
for patients with oligodendroglioma. Late in the clinical
course, it is much more difficult to evaluate personality and
mental change in the presence of a depressed sensorium.
Because the benefits of
therapy to a certain extent depend on the functional status of
the patient, it is vitally important that the correct diagnosis
be made and proper treatment instituted prior to the onset of
hemiplegia or stupor. The majority of patients with glioblastoma
multiforme, malignant astrocytoma, and oligodendroglioma have
tumors in the frontal and temporal lobes or at the frontoparietal junction. Hence it is not surprising that the
frequency of site-specific findings in these diseases is
roughly similar, although there is some tendency for seizures
to be associated with oligodendrogliomas and for personality
disturbances to be more common in patients with glioblastoma. Of
far greater importance is the tempo with which the
site-specific findings appear. A rapid evolution of symptoms and
signs is associated with malignancy, while a history of many
years' duration is more consistent with a low-grade astrocytoma
or oligodendroglioma. Finally, the proper interpretation of symptoms and signs can
be made only within the context of the whole patient, especially
as certain demographic factors (e.g., age and sex) bear heavily
upon the correct diagnosis.
Recent status in the
treatment of gliomas:
Patients will typically start with a craniotomy
and surgical resection and these days the technology has
improved quite a bit so a lot of these patients will have pre-op
and intra-operative imaging, awake craniotomies or real-time
monitoring of neurological condition, and some neuro techniques
using fluorescence imaging where pre-operatively, a patient is
given a fluorescent compound that actually tags tumor cells
because at surgery, especially with lower grade gliomas, it is
very difficult to distinguish abnormal cancer tissue from the
normal brain and this technique can really help. Then the tissue
sample goes to a pathologist and a name and histology [is given]
for the tumor and a grade.
The most important thing these days are the biomarkers that not
only help classify tumors, but also are predictive of response
to certain therapies. Treatment is tailored, as much as it can
be, to the particular type of glioma but most patients will go
on to receive external beam radiation therapy. Patients with
many of the tumor types will receive the radiation combined with
the oral, alkylating agent temozolomide.
Historically, the field of neuro-oncology, from the perspective
of chemotherapy, started with drugs such as carmustine and
thereafter, PCV (procarbazine, lomustine and vincristine). PCV
was a very commonly adopted strategy until what we call the
temozolamide era emerged. Temozolamide was developed in the
1980s and 1990s and the clinical trials started in the late
1990s. It is an oral alkylating agent that is much better
tolerated than PCV chemotherapies or the nitrosoureas used
historically like carmustine.
A real change in the field happened in 2005 with the publication
of the so-called Stupp protocol based on our colleague Roger
Stupp who led an international trial testing the role of
temozolamide chemotherapy given concurrent with radiation and
followed by adjuvant or maintenance oral temozolomide. The field
shifted at that point because we had not really had a positive
clinical trial for decades prior to that, so there was finally a
standard drug therapy. From that success in glioblastoma
multiple groups around the world have tested temozolomide in a
variety of other glioma subtypes, including anaplastic
astrocytoma and oligodendrogliomas.
All of these tend to be quite sensitive to temozolomides, and
oligodendrogliomas in particular are one of the most
chemo-sensitive human, solid malignancies. One of the downsides
of temozolomide is that its activity is very dependent on a DNA
repair enzyme, MGMT [O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase], so
patients that have high expression of MGMT don’t do well
because the alkylating damage induced by temozolomide is quickly
About 40% of patients with glioblastoma have random hyper-methylation
of the MGMT gene promoter region, effectively shutting off the
gene, and diminishing MGMT expression in the tumor cells. Those
folks, the 40% or so with this MGMT promoter methylation, have
much better prognosis and response. So a sort of hole in our
field that remains are the 60% of patients with GBM that don’t
harbor the MGMT promoter methylation which is a very easily
determined biomarker in the lab and is routinely done these
Essentially 60% of patients receive no benefit from the drug and
there really is not an effective chemotherapy agent in standard
practice at this point for this unmethylated MGMT promoter
Concerning novel therapies in development or novel combinations
for either of these tumor types, the first caveat is that,
unfortunately, lagging behind other cancers in that regard. We
all went through the era of targeted therapies and the promise
of targeted therapies and we’ve seen those evolve. For example,
EGFR inhibitors for lung cancer.
The issue is the presence of the blood brain barrier and the way
our clinical trials were designed were insufficient at detecting
that the vast majority of these compounds were not brain-penetrant.
A huge number of negative phase II and phase III clinical trials
testing these approaches. They never had a chance because they
were not getting into the brain in sufficient concentrations.
I mention that because we are in the midst of the newest
revolution with immunotherapies including oncolytic viruses and
vaccine approaches and we are facing the same kinds of
challenges compared to other cancer types. What seems to be
promising now is the combination of immunotherapy strategies
with anti-angiogenic strategies. So, bevacizumab is fully FDA
approved and is routinely used for recurrent gliomas, especially
glioblastoma, and it has excellent symptomatic effects although
has never really been shown to enhance survival. The
immunotherapies have been a challenge on their own.
All of the published vaccine trials have not shown much promise
and the checkpoint inhibitors, when used as single agents
essentially have no activity. When combined, they have some
activity but a lot of toxicity. Newer trials that have shown
promise have combined those approaches, whether it's
vaccine-based, or checkpoint inhibitor based combined with
bevacizumab or other experimental anti-VEGF [Vascular
endothelial growth factor] treatments. That is one of the major
areas of focus for those of us involved in cooperative group and
other trials, trying to find the optimal combination approaches
and there have been some exciting early results as there always
are when you are trying new things and it remains to be seen how
things evolve over the next couple of years.1
In summary, headache, seizures, mental change,
and hemiparesis are the cardinal clinical features of
supratentorial gliomas. A first seizure in a patient over 40
years of age should be considered indicative of a brain tumor
until proved otherwise. Together with papilledema, mental change
and hemiparesis are the most frequent findings on the initial
physical examination; they provide important clues as to the
location and extent of the tumor. Prior to the advent of
computed tomography (CT), underdiagnosis of bilateral spread in
cases of glioblastoma was common, but careful neurological
assessment often yields insights complementary to those provided
by modem imaging techniques. Irrespective of the precise
combination of clinical findings, it is the relentless
progression of the disease that stamps it as an intracranial
tumor. Because apoplectic onset occurs
in only 3 to 4 percent of brain tumor patients and
radiographic progression usually accompanies clinical
deterioration, there should be little difficulty in separating
patients suspected of having a brain tumor from those with such
other intracranial processes as cerebrovascular diseases.
1. http://www.cancernetwork.com/brain-tumors/promising-glioma-therapy-options?elq_cid=18103&elq_mid=4910&rememberme=1